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Air purification systems from IVOC‑X® effectively remove pollutants such as VOCs, odours as well as viruses, bacteria and germs from process and room air.

Air purification systems from IVOC‑X® effectively remove pollutants such as VOCs, odours as well as viruses, bacteria and germs from process and room air.

Process Air Technology (PAC)

IVOC-X CX Produktübersicht
IVOC-X CX signet

highly efficient exhaust air purification systems for maximum degradation rates at minimum total costs

Room air technology (RLT)

IVOC-X FX Family – FX1.000 FX.1000S FX6.000

highly efficient exhaust air purification systems for maximum degradation rates at minimum total costs


Professional room air filter systems for high safety at the workplace, in schools and for public facilities

LuSi – Room air analyser

The opti­mal tool for che­cking the air com­po­si­tion in your pre­mi­ses. LuSi net­works all IVOC‑X sys­tems and con­trols them intelligently.


The IVOC‑X Clean Air team has over 30 years of experience in the development and production of complex air purification systems, both in indoor air purification and in industrial production. Two founders are even plagued by respiratory problems and allergies themselves. Therefore, our vision is obvious: Every one of our customers has a right to healthy clean air as an important asset for a healthy life.

We humans brea­the up to 22,000 breaths a day. We spend 80–90 per­cent of our time indoors. Howe­ver, the air qua­lity there is 10–40 times worse than out­side. The importance of healthy, clean air in our ever­y­day lives is shown by the figu­res of the Euro­pean Envi­ron­ment Agency (EEA). Every year in the EU alone, about 400,000 peo­ple die from exces­sive fine dust pol­lu­tion. In addi­tion, the poli­ti­cally self-set goals for the pro­tec­tion of cli­mate and envi­ron­ment are missed by far.

IVOC‑X® helps com­pa­nies and the health­care indus­try to mea­sur­a­bly improve their indoor air qua­lity as well as their pro­duc­tion and to reduce energy and ill­ness costs. For this pur­pose, we offer cer­ti­fied pro­fes­sio­nal envi­ron­men­tal tech­no­logy and air puri­fi­ca­tion in com­bi­na­tion with real-time air ana­ly­sis.

Cur­rent at IVOC‑X®
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Gefördert durch den Freistaat Thüringen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds.