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IVOC‑X wins Industrial Energy Efficiency Award

Jena /​ Hano­ver: Today, July 14, 2020,  IVOC‑X GmbH (Inno­va­tive Vola­tile Orga­nic Compound –OXida­tion) from Jena won the award for start­ups at the Indus­trial Energy Effi­ci­ency Award at HANNOVER MESSE 2020. The tech startup foun­ded in 2019 was con­vin­cing inter­na­tio­nally Compare the jury of high-ran­king indus­try experts and the inde­pen­dent mar­ket rese­arch com­pany EUPD Rese­arch with their ther­mal-cata­ly­tic air puri­fi­ca­tion sys­tems. IVOC‑X is one of the four win­ners – two in the indus­trial sec­tor (large com­pa­nies and SMEs), one prize for the energy indus­try and one for start­ups – out­stan­ding energy effi­ci­ency pro­ces­ses in indus­try . This reco­gni­zes the extra­or­di­nary com­mit­ment of com­pa­nies to invest in the deve­lo­p­ment of energy-effi­ci­ent solu­ti­ons or to apply them at the worl­d’s lar­gest indus­trial fair.

The start-up sup­ports the poli­ti­cal stra­tegy to fur­ther reduce heat con­sump­tion, which accounts for over 50 per­cent of final energy con­sump­tion. With its ther­mal-cata­ly­tic air puri­fi­ca­tion sys­tems, the green tech com­pany is posi­tio­ning its­elf as a solu­tion pro­vi­der for pro­duc­tion. The IVOC‑X sys­tems com­bine the advan­ta­ges of heat sto­rage and cata­ly­tic aftert­re­at­ment to ther­mal sys­tems with unpre­ce­den­ted energy effi­ci­ency. This com­bi­nes the advan­ta­ges of all available tech­no­lo­gies in a new inno­va­tive solu­tion. The cross-sec­tional tech­no­logy eli­mi­na­tes gas­eous air pol­lut­ants (VOCs) and odors from the pro­duc­tion pro­cess, whe­re­ver limit values, for exam­ple accor­ding to the Fede­ral Immis­sion Con­trol Act (BImSchG), tech­ni­cal ins­truc­tions for air (TA Luft) or occu­pa­tio­nal safety and health law (ArbSchG) etc. are to be obser­ved. Tar­get sec­tors are the prin­ting indus­try, the che­mi­cal & pla­s­tics, laser, food indus­try as well as sur­face technology.

The foun­ding team, Dr. Tho­mas Krech, Den­nis Sipp­ach and Tors­ten Lan­ger, have over 25 years of com­bi­ned expe­ri­ence in the field of inno­va­tive and effi­ci­ent air clea­ning sys­tems. Their aim was to deve­lop an inno­va­tive tech­no­logy that by far has the lowest energy con­sump­tion with a maxi­mum pol­lutant degra­da­tion rate. “Our vision is to estab­lish the IVOC‑X brand as the lea­ding brand and tech­no­logy lea­der in the mar­ket for air puri­fi­ca­tion tech­no­logy in the long term, which not only saves the cus­to­mer ope­ra­ting costs, but also makes their pro­duc­tion more effi­ci­ent and at the same time reli­e­ves the envi­ron­ment. We wan­ted to create some­thing uni­que that starts where exis­ting tech­no­lo­gies reach their limits, ”says mana­ging direc­tor Den­nis Sippach.

»With our air puri­fi­ca­tion sys­tems, the heat can be almost com­ple­tely reco­vered and thus saved through effi­ci­ent heat sto­rage. Due to the high heat reco­very from the fixed bed heat sto­rage, large appli­ca­ti­ons can be ope­ra­ted purely elec­tri­cally for the first time and thus very energy-effi­ci­ently. This means that rene­wa­ble ener­gies can be used to ope­rate our air puri­fi­ca­tion sys­tems wit­hout any pro­blems. Basi­cally, every ope­ra­tor of IVOC‑X sys­tems has the oppor­tu­nity for the first time to deter­mine the share of rene­wa­ble energy in their elec­tri­city mix, ”says Dr. Tho­mas Krech, mana­ging direc­tor and doc­tor of che­mis­try. This means that fos­sil fuels no lon­ger need to be bur­ned. Nega­tive effects such as the main­ten­ance of bur­ner tech­no­logy, the addi­tio­nal release of methane as a green­house gas from incom­plete com­bus­tion are com­ple­tely avo­ided. Com­bus­tion by-pro­ducts such as form­alde­hyde are also no lon­ger generated.

IVOC‑X builds and sells com­pact ther­mal-cata­ly­tic air clea­ning sys­tems. The effi­ci­ent series sys­tems replace indi­vi­dual spe­cial solu­ti­ons. The offer is com­ple­men­ted by ser­vices such as well-foun­ded pro­cess and pol­lutant ana­ly­zes with our own ana­ly­sis tech­no­logy as well as advice, ser­vice and main­ten­ance. With its inno­va­tive, sca­lable and modu­lar tech­no­logy, IVOC‑X GmbH makes a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­tion to occu­pa­tio­nal and envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion. With their spe­ci­ally deve­lo­ped ther­mal-cata­ly­tic air puri­fi­ca­tion sys­tems, life cycle costs for cus­to­mers are redu­ced and pro­duc­tion and qua­lity of life in Ger­many are sus­tain­ably increased.

IVOC‑X tech­no­logy overview:

  • up to 90% savings in ope­ra­ting costs through inte­gra­ted heat recovery
  • > 70% CO2 savings, NOx reduc­tion, no dioxins
  • > 99% pol­lutant degra­da­tion rate (adjus­ta­ble)
  • auto­ther­mal ope­ra­tion from 100 mg /​ m³
  • easy instal­la­tion & com­mis­sio­ning via plug & play
  • at least 40% less foot­print, less foot­print
  • short deli­very times for series products



Dr. Tho­mas Krech



Email: thomas.krech@ivoc‑

Hans-Knöll-Strasse 6 (TIP)

07745 Jena


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Gefördert durch den Freistaat Thüringen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds.