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  • Heat accu­mu­la­tor with heat reco­very rate >97%
  • Up to 90% energy savings
  • Cost-saving alter­na­tive to avoid the bur­ning of fos­sil fuels in exhaust air purification

Energy cost savings /​ short payback period /​ life cycle costs /​ economic efficiency calculation using an example

Invoice costs incl. pro­mo­tion and savings poten­tial energy and per tonne CO2 25 to 55€

Exam­ple: Com­pa­ri­son of sol­vent degra­da­tion in the print sec­tor bet­ween ther­mal afterbur­ning (TNV), cata­ly­tic afterbur­ning (KNV) and IVOC‑X CX 2.500

Refe­rence valueUnit
Ope­ra­ting hours per year8,000 h
Volume flow2,500 m³/​h in standard
exhaust gas temperature25 °C
Pol­lutant concentration1.0 g/​m³
Com­bus­tion energy ethanol30.6 kJ/​m³
Ther­mal efficiency50%60%98%
Oxi­da­tion temperature900°C340°C320°C
Heat out­put in operation362kW104kW5kW
Hea­ting energy in MWh per year2,81273220
annual CO2 emis­si­ons from heating1,3333479
Energy costs per year112,464 €29,285 €
3,200 €

Increase in productivity

  • Short start-up phases
  • Inte­gra­ted pro­cess manage­ment sys­tem reacts inde­pendently to large fluc­tua­tions in pollutants.
  • Reduc­tion of hig­her pol­lutant con­cen­tra­ti­ons through heat dissipation

Availability & flexibility

  • Fle­xi­bi­lity thanks to Plug&Play sys­tem – con­nect plugs and exhaust air hoses and start immediately
  • Modu­lar series sys­tems and varia­ble ope­ra­tion from 1–100% of design value
    Hig­her avai­la­bi­lity > 99%
  • Pro­ces­sing of hig­her pol­lutant con­cen­tra­ti­ons up to 12g/​m³ (depen­ding on the pollutant)
  • Tur­no­ver of pol­lut­ants at lower oxy­gen con­cen­tra­ti­ons in the exhaust gas through elec­tri­cal heating
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Gefördert durch den Freistaat Thüringen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds.