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The whisper-quiet purifier

Super quiet and compact room air purifier
for sensitive environments

The best pro­tec­tion against corona, influ­enza viru­ses, bac­te­ria, germs and fine dust directly from the expert for indus­trial air technology

Compact air purifier in the professional segment

  • Whisper-quiet con­ti­nuous ope­ra­tion › even in sen­si­tive environments,
    such as class­rooms, semi­nar rooms and offices
  • Easy to set up › unpack, plug in & brea­the clean air
  • Intui­tive ope­ra­tion › con­trol via only 2 buttons
  • Uni­que flow con­cept › active suc­tion of air away from mouth and nose area
  • Hygie­nic con­for­mity to VDI 6022 › anti­mi­cro­bial sur­face coating
  • Gua­ran­teed free of harmful sub­s­tances › no ozone release pos­si­ble on the device
  • Pro­ven prin­ci­ple from clean room tech­no­logy › HEPA H14 fil­ter with 99.995% fil­tra­tion effi­ci­ency, e.g. in ope­ra­ting rooms
  • Long-life fil­ters › hig­hest fil­ter sur­face for maxi­mum fil­ter ser­vice life of the fil­ters in con­ti­nuous use
  • Inte­gra­ted pre-fil­ter › ensu­res high dura­bi­lity of the H14 filter

The two-stage IVOC‑X high-per­for­mance fil­ter sys­tem fil­ters over 99.995% of all air­borne viru­ses, bac­te­ria and aero­sols from the ambi­ent air.

An inde­pen­dent rese­arch insti­tute for medi­cal and bio­tech­no­logy (FMZB) was unable to mea­sure any pene­tra­tion of bac­te­ria and viru­ses through the fil­ters when test­ing air con­ta­mi­na­ted with viru­ses and pollutants.

Due to the use of an anti­bac­te­rial fil­ter, no bac­te­rial growth is pos­si­ble on the fil­ter. And the housing also remains free of bac­te­ria and viru­ses, thanks to the anti­mi­cro­bial sur­face coa­ting. In con­ti­nuous ope­ra­tion, the FX1.000S is energy-effi­ci­ent due to the use of an EC fan and only con­su­mes 50W on average.

Quiet as a whisper

Due to an inter­nal lining with sound-absor­bing materials

Technische Daten

room size up to 100 m²
volume flow fan max. 1,400 m³/​h in Norm
dimen­si­ons 400 x 500 x 1.485 mm (LxBxH)
power con­nec­tion 220–240 V
motor power 170 W
weight | load capacity ca. 63 kg | 50 kg
Fil­ter type | Fil­ter area HEPA H14 & ISO ePM10 > 50% | 13.4 m²
Fil­ter standard DIN EN 1822 indi­vi­du­ally tes­ted with certificate
noise level from 17 db(A)
CE decla­ra­tion yes
Cer­ti­fi­ca­tes TÜV Thü­rin­gen, IUTA
hygie­nic accor­ding to VDI 6022
Con­trol 6‑stage con­trol
CO2 traf­fic light | Pol­lutant monitoring 

per LED (CO2 sen­sor, VOC-sensor)

fil­ter sta­tus display per LED (sen­sor monitored)


More infor­ma­tion at:

The IVOC‑X® FX1.000S eli­mi­na­tes safely

  • viru­ses, bac­te­ria and germs
  • aller­gens, spo­res and pollen
  • toner dust from printers/​copiers
  • fine dust from ambi­ent traffic
  • skin par­tic­les and hair
  • house dust and mites
  • ani­mal hair and odo­rous substances
  • soot par­tic­les and smoke from cand­les, ciga­ret­tes and fireplaces
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Gefördert durch den Freistaat Thüringen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds.