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The industrial professional –

for your safe working environment


Innovative air stratification like in clean rooms – so that the air filter doesn’t become a virus chute


Mostly, air fil­ter sys­tems suck in at the bot­tom or the side and blow out at the top – this pro­mo­tes the dis­tri­bu­tion of aero­sols in the room and keeps par­ti­cu­larly large par­tic­les in sus­pen­sion for lon­ger. There they can be inha­led by others. This increa­ses the risk of infection!


Technical data

Work­place space up to 10 m²
Machine volume up to 30 m²
Air per­for­mance max. 600 m³/​h
Dimen­si­ons 467 x 953 x 951 mm (LxBxH)
power con­nec­tion 220–240 V
motor power 170 W
weight | load capacity approx. 50 kg | up to 50 kg
Fil­ter type | Fil­ter area HEPA H14 & ISO ePM10 > 50% | 13.4 m²
Fil­ter standard DIN EN 1822 indi­vi­du­ally tes­ted with certificate
noise level from 17 db(A)
CE decla­ra­tion yes
Cer­ti­fi­ca­tes TÜV Thü­rin­gen, IUTA
hygie­nic accor­ding to VDI 6022
Con­trol 6‑stage con­trol
CO2 traf­fic light | Pol­lutant monitoring per LED (CO2 sen­sor, VOC-sensor)
fil­ter sta­tus display per LED (sen­sor monitored)


Appli­ca­tion fields FX1.000i

  • Oil mist
  • Engra­ving processes
  • Laser smoke
  • Wel­ding smoke
  • Sold­e­ring smoke
  • Adhe­sive
  • Sur­face tre­at­ment, paint strip­ping, coating
  • 3D prin­ting


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Gefördert durch den Freistaat Thüringen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds.