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IVOC‑X GmbH wins the Thüringer Gründerpreis in the category of idea owners

Jena/​Erfurt: IVOC‑X GmbH (Inno­va­tive Vola­tile Orga­nic Compound‑OXida­tion) con­vin­ced the jury of the Thu­rin­gian Foun­ders Award with its effi­ci­ent Green Tech solu­tion. The win­ning team of Dr. Tho­mas Krech, Den­nis Sipp­ach and Tors­ten Lan­ger pre­vai­led against many inno­va­tive ideas. The award cerem­ony took place today, 21 Novem­ber 2019, at the Erfurt Cham­ber of Com­merce and Indus­try for the ThEx Award 2019. IVOC‑X GmbH is a young com­pany from Jena in the field of indus­trial air pol­lu­tion con­trol. With its uni­quely inno­va­tive and effi­ci­ent air puri­fi­ca­tion sys­tems, which sus­tain­ably increase the qua­lity of pro­duc­tion and life in Ger­many, the entre­pre­neurs con­tri­bute to envi­ron­men­tal and cli­mate pro­tec­tion. The ThEx Award was pre­sen­ted at the 10th Thu­rin­gian Foun­ders‹ Day to honor out­stan­ding ideas and achie­ve­ments of Thu­rin­gian foun­ders, spe­cial com­mit­ment of Thu­rin­gian entre­pre­neurs and suc­cessfully imple­men­ted com­pany successions.

The tech­no­logy deve­lo­ped by IVOC‑X GmbH enables a heat reco­very rate (WRG) of more than 97 per­cent. »Tog­e­ther we are pur­suing the vision of ensu­ring clean pro­cess exhaust air by means of a pio­nee­ring tech­no­logy with unpar­al­le­led energy effi­ci­ency. Our sys­tems make an important con­tri­bu­tion to occu­pa­tio­nal health and safety, as the sys­tems we have deve­lo­ped can almost com­ple­tely eli­mi­nate air pol­lut­ants that are gene­ra­ted during the pro­duc­tion pro­cess. The result is clean and odour­less air. Hardly any energy is requi­red for the entire pro­cess; this saves resour­ces and redu­ces CO2 emis­si­ons,« explains Dr. Tho­mas Krech, Mana­ging Direc­tor and doc­tor of chemistry.

Uni­que sel­ling points include savings in ope­ra­ting costs of up to 90 per­cent and a reduc­tion in CO2 emis­si­ons of up to 70 per­cent. The IVOC‑X tech­no­logy com­bi­nes the advan­ta­ges of heat sto­rage and cata­ly­sis tech­no­logy into com­pact and sca­lable air puri­fi­ca­tion sys­tems. »Our modu­lar cata­ly­tic air pol­lu­tion con­trol sys­tems of the IVOC‑X CX pro­duct family can be used across indus­tries in pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses where pro­blems with orga­nic pol­lut­ants (Vola­tile Orga­nic Com­pounds = VOC) such as sol­vents, gases such as methane and car­bon mon­oxide, and odor emis­si­ons need to be sol­ved. Our sys­tems are used, for exam­ple, in the pla­s­tics, food and tex­tile indus­tries as well as in syn­the­sis, laser and prin­ting pro­ces­ses. For this pur­pose, we offer a well-foun­ded ana­ly­sis of the occur­rence of pol­lut­ants in the pro­duc­tion pro­cess,« adds Mana­ging Direc­tor Den­nis Sippach.

The young entre­pre­neurs from Jena have many years of inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­ence in this mar­ket and will be demons­t­ra­ting at the Long Night of Sci­en­ces in Jena how the decom­po­si­tion of pol­lu­ted air works. They will pre­sent their trend-set­ting solu­ti­ons in the field of indus­trial air puri­fi­ca­tion for the degra­da­tion of toxic sub­s­tances at the Tech­no­logy and Inno­va­tion Park Jena, Hans-Knöll-Straße 6. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the con­tri­bu­tion to the Long Night of Sci­en­ces Jena 2019 (LNDW): https://ivoc‑

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